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Publications of LPQM in 2009
- A New Class of Bipyrimidine-based Octupolar Chromophores: Synthesis, Fluorescent and Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Properties Akdas-Killig H., Roisnel T., Ledoux-Rak I., Le Bozec H., New Journal of Chemistry 33, 1470-1473 (2009)
- Comparison of the photoluminescence properties of semiconductor quantum dots and non-blinking diamond nanoparticles. Observation of the diffusion of diamond nanoparticles in living cells. O. Faklaris, D. Garrot, V. Joshi, J.-P. Boudou, T. Sauvage, P. Curmi and F. Treussart; J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public. 09035 Vol 4 (2009)
- Controlling the directional emission of holey organic microlasers N. Djellali, I. Gozhyk, D. Owens, S. Lozenko, M. Lebental, J. Lautru, C. Ulysse, B. Kippelen et J. Zyss, Applied Physics Letters vol. 95 101108 (2009)
- Diamond nanoparticles as photoluminescent nanoprobes for biology and near-field optics Aurélien Cuche, Yannick Sonnefraud, Orestis Faklaris, Damien Garrot, Jean-Paul Boudou, Thierry Sauvage, Jean-François Roch, François Treussart, Serge Huant ; J. Lumin 129, 1475 (2009)
- Diamonds with a high density of nitrogen-vacancy centers for magnetometry applications V.M. Acosta, E. Bauch, M.P. Ledbetter, C. Santori, K.-M.C. Fu ,P.E. Barclay, R.G. Beausoleil, H. Linget, J.-F. Roch, F. Treussart, S. Chemerisov, W. Gawlik, and D. Budker, Phys. Rev. B 80, 115202 (2009)
- Dynamics of all-optical poling of photoisomerizable molecules. I: Symmetries of tensorial properties Michel Dumont, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, 1057-1075 (2009)
- Efficient production of NV colour centres in nanodiamonds using high-energy electron irradiation G. Dantelle, A. Slablab, L. Rondin, F. Lainé, F. Carrel, Ph. Bergonzo, S. Perruchas, T. Gacoin, F. Treussart , and J.-F. Roch; acte de la conférence « Hole-Burning and Single Molecule 2009 », 20-27 juin 2009, Palm Cove, Australie; J. Lumin (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.003
- Electro-Optical Imaging Microscopy of Dye-Doped Artificial Lipidic Membranes B. Hall, S. De Reguardati, L. Hugonin, B. Le Pioufle, T. Osaki, H. Suzuki, S. Takeuchi, H. Mojzisova, D. Chauvat, J. Zyss, Biophysical Journal, 97(11), 2913-2921 (2 December 2009)
- Electrochemical, Linear Optical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties and Interpretation by Density Functional Theory Calculations of (4-N,N-Dimethylaminostyryl)-Pyridinium Pendant Group Associated with Polypyridinic Ligands and Respective Multifunctional.... F. Dumur, C.R. Mayer, K. Hoang-Thi, I. Ledoux-Rak, F. Miomandre, G. Clavier, E. Dumas, R. Meallet-Renault, M. Frigoli, J. Zyss and F. Sécheresse, Inorg. Chem. 48, 8120-8133 (2009)
- Enhanced single-photon emission in the near infrared from a diamond color center Igor Aharonovich, Chunyuan Zhou, Alastair Stacey, Julius Orwa, Stefania Castelletto, David Simpson, Andrew D. Greentree, François Treussart, Jean-Francois Roch and Steven Prawer; Phys. Rev. B 79, 235316 (2009)
- Fabrication of microlens arrays based on the mass transport effect of SU-8 photoresist using a multiexposure two-beam interference technique Cheng Yi Wu, Ting Hsuan Chiang, Ngoc Diep Lai, Danh Bich Do, and Chia Chen Hsu Applied Optics 48, 2473-2479 (2009)
- Fabrication of periodic nanovein structures by holography lithography technique Ngoc Diep Lai, Yu Di Huang, Danh Bich Do, Jian Hung Lin, Chia Chen Hsu, Opt. Express 17, 3362-3369 (2009)
- High quality SWCNT synthesis in the presence of NH3 using a vertical flow aerosol reactor, Toma Susi, Albert G. Nasibulin, Paola Ayala, Ying Tian, Zhen Zhu, Hua Jiang, Cyrielle Roquelet, Damien Garrot, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, and Esko I. Kauppinen, Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2009)
- Influence of a static magnetic field on the photoluminescence of an ensemble of NV color centers in a diamond single-crystal Ngoc Diep Lai, Dingwei Zheng, Fedor Jelezko, François Treussart, and Jean-François Roch, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 133101 (2009)
- Influence of laser pulse characteristics on the hot electron contribution to the third-order nonlinear optical response of gold nanoparticles Y. Guillet, M. Rashidi-Huyeh et B. Palpant, Phys. Rev. B 79, 045410 (2009)
- Infrared and visible emission of Er3+ in combustion-synthesized CaAl2O4 phosphors Singh Vijay, Chalcradhar R.P.S, Ledoux-Rak Isabelle, Badie Laurent, Pelle Fabienne, Ivanova Svetlana, J. Luminescence 129, 1375-1380 (2009)
- Liquid crystalline phases in DNA and dye-doped DNA solutions analysed by polarized linear and nonlinear microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry J. Olesiak, K. Matczyszyn, H. Mojzisova, M. Zielinski, D. Chauvat, J. Zyss, Materials Science - Poland, 27, (3), 813-823 (2009)
- Near-field optical microscopy with a nanodiamond-based single photon tip Aurélien Cuche , Aurélien Drezet , Yannick Sonnefraud, Orestis Faklaris , François Treussart , Jean-François Roch , Serge Huant, Opt. Exp. 17, 19969-19980 (2009)
- NIR to visible up-conversion, infrared luminescence, thermoluminescence and defect centres in Y2O3 : Er phosphor Vijay Singh, Vineet Kumar Rai, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, S Watanabe, T K Gundu Rao, J F D Chubaci, Laurent Badie, Fabienne Pelle and Svetlana Ivanova, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 065104 (2009)
- Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles dispersed in different optically transparent matrices A. I. Ryasnyanskiy, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, U. Pal and A. L. Stepanov, Phys. Solid State 51 (1), 55–60 (2009)
- Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in a Composite Material : the Role of Dielectric Screening and Thermal Expansion Sébastien Berger, Florian Iglesias, Pierre Bonnet , G. Cassabois, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Claude Delalande, Philippe Roussignol, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105, 094323 (2009)
- Organic micro-lasers: a new avenue onto wave chaos physics M. Lebental, E. Bogomolny et J. Zyss. Chapitre 6 du livre Practical applications of micro-resonators in optics and photonics coordonné par A. Matsko (CRC, Boca Raton, 2009)
- Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles as labels in cells: study of their optical properties and investigation of their cellular uptake mechanism, PhD Manuscript PhD Manuscript, Orestis Faklaris
- Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles for cell labeling: study of their uptake mechanism in mammalian cells Orestis Faklaris, Vandana Joshi, Theano Irinopoulou, Patrick Tauc, Mohamed Sennour, Hugues Girard, Celine Gesset, Jean-Charles Arnault, Alain Thorel, Jean-Paul Boudou, Patrick A. Curmi, François Treussart, ACS Nano 3, 3955-3962 (2009)
- Polarization sensitive two-photon microscopy study of the organization of liquid crystalline DNA H. Mojzisova, J. Olesiak, M. Zielinski, K. Matczyszyn, D. Chauvat, J. Zyss, Biophys. Journal, 97, 2348-2357 (2009)
- Robust and Efficient Sifting-Less Quantum Key Distribution Protocols Frédéric Grosshans ; arXiv:0907.2897
- Second-Harmonic Generation from a Single Core-Shell Quantum Dot M. Zielinski, D. Oron, D. Chauvat, J. Zyss, Small, 5(24), pp.2835 – 2840 (2009)
- Sorting and transmission electron microscopy analysis of single or double wall carbon nanotubes Fleurier R., Lauret J.-S., Flahaut E., Loiseau A., Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2009)
- Spectral dependence of the ultrafast optical response of nonspherical gold nanoparticles Y. Guillet, E. Charron, and B. Palpant, Phys. Rev. B 79, 195432 (2009)
- Synthesis and optical properties of novel organic–inorganic hybrid nanolayer structure semiconductors Sanjun Zhang, Gaëtan Lanty, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Pierre Audebert, Laurent Galmiche, Acta Materialia 57, 3301–3309 (2009)
- Synthesis of New Perovskite Luminescent Nanoparticles in the Visible Range Pierre Audebert, Gilles Clavier, Valrie Alain-Rizzo, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Sanjun Zhang, Jean-Sbastien Lauret, Gaëtan Lanty and Cédric Boissière, Chem. Mat. 21,210 (2009).
- Transmission Electron Microscopy and UV–vis–IR Spectroscopy Analysis of the Diameter Sorting of Carbon Nanotubes by Gradient Density Ultracentrifugation Romain Fleurier, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Ugo Lopez, and Annick Loiseau, Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2219-2223 (2009)
- UV polaritons at room temperature in a microcavity containing perovskites G. Lanty, J.S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchouleb and X. Lafosse, Journal of Luminescence129, 1985–1988 (2009)
- Visible up-conversion and NIR luminescence studies of LiAl5O8:Er phosphor co-doped with Yb3+ and Zn2+ V. Singh, V. K. Rai, I. Ledoux-Rak and H.-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 97, 103-107 (2009)
- Visible upconversion and infrared luminescence investigations of Al2O3 powders doped with Er3+, Yb3+ and Zn3+ ions V. Singh, V. K. Rai, I. Ledoux-Rak, L. Badie and H.-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 97, 805-809 (2009)