Home > Publications > Publications Nanothermique
Publications Ultrafast nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics and heat transfer
- 2D photonic-crystal optomechanical nanoresonator K. Makles, T. Antoni, A. G. Kuhn, S. Deléglise, T. Briant, P.-F. Cohadon, R. Braive, G. Beaudoin, L. Pinard, C. Michel, V. Dolique, R. Flaminio, G. Cagnoli, I. Robert-Philip, and A. Heidmann, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 174-177 (2015)
- A detailed microscopic study of the heat transfer at a water gold interface coated with a polymer J. Soussi, S. Volz, B. Palpant, and Y. Chalopin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 093113 (2015)
- Coupling localised plasmonic and photonic modes tailors and boosts ultrafast light modulation by gold nanoparticles X. Wang, R. Moreira, J. Gonzalez and B. Palpant, Nano Letters 15, 2633–2639 (2015)
- Plasmon-assisted production of reactive oxygen species by single gold nanorods T. Labouret, J.-F. Audibert, R. Pansu and B. Palpant, Small 2015
- Spectral signature of the ultrafast optical response of gold nanorods X. Wang, Y. Guillet, P. R. Selvakannan, H. Remita and B. Palpant, J. Phys. Chem. C. 119 (13), 7416-7427 (2015)
- Effects of anisotropy and size of polar nano thin films on their thermal conductivity due to surface phonon-polaritons J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, B. Kim et al. Applied Physics Express, Vol. 7 Issue 3 (2014)
- Fresnel-like formulas for the reflection and transmission of surface phonon-polaritons at a dielectric interface J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, S. Gluchko et al., Physical Review B Vol. 90 Issue: 15 (2014)
- Quantized Thermal Conductance of Nanowires at Room Temperature Due to Zenneck Surface-Phonon Polaritons J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, B. Kim, et al., Physical Review Letters Vol. 112 Issue: 5 (2014)
- Thermal conductivity of nano-layered systems due to surface phonon-polaritons J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, Y. Chalopin et al., Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115 Issue: 5 (2014)
- Anomalous thermal conductivity by surface phonon-polaritons of polar nano thin films due to their asymmetric surrounding media J. Ordonez-Miranda, L. Tranchant, T. Tokunaga, B. Kim, B. Palpant, Y. Chalopin, T. Antoni, and S. Volz, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 084311 (2013)
- In vivo uptake and cellular distribution of gold nanoshells in a preclinical model of xenografted human renal cancer M. Pannerec-Varna, P. Ratajczak, G. Bousquet, I. Ferreira, C. Leboeuf, R. Boisgard, G. Gapihan, B. Palpant, E. Bossy, E. Doris, J. Poupon, E. Fort, A. Janin, Gold Bulletin, Nov. 2013
- Large and ultrafast optical response of a one-dimensional plasmonic-photonic cavity X. Wang and B. Palpant, Plasmonics 8, 1647-1653 (2013)
- Selective cold welding of colloidal gold nanorods S. C. Laza, N. Sanson, C. Sicard-Roselli, A. Aghedu, and B. Palpant, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization (2013)
- Modeling heat-induced chemical reaction in nanothermites excited by pulse laser: A hot spot model Y. Peng, Y. Wang, B. Palpant, X. He, X. Zheng, and Y. Yang, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24 (3), 381–395 (2010)
- One-pot radiolytic synthesis of gold nanorods and their optical properties W. Abidi, S. Periasamy, Y. Guillet, I. Lampre, P. Beaunier, B. Pansu, B. Palpant, and H. Remita, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (35), 14794–14803 (2010)
- Influence of laser pulse characteristics on the hot electron contribution to the third-order nonlinear optical response of gold nanoparticles Y. Guillet, M. Rashidi-Huyeh et B. Palpant, Phys. Rev. B 79, 045410 (2009)
- Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles dispersed in different optically transparent matrices A. I. Ryasnyanskiy, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, U. Pal and A. L. Stepanov, Phys. Solid State 51 (1), 55–60 (2009)
- Spectral dependence of the ultrafast optical response of nonspherical gold nanoparticles Y. Guillet, E. Charron, and B. Palpant, Phys. Rev. B 79, 195432 (2009)