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Publications - hybrides nanostructures
- Charge Transfer and Tunable Ambipolar Effect induced by the assembly of Cu(II) Binuclear Complexes on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Devices G. Magadur, J.S. Lauret, G. Charron, F. Bouanis, E. Norman, V. Huc, C.S. Cojocaru, S. Gómez-Coca, E. Ruiz, T. Mallah, JACS 134, 7896 (2012)
- Detection of a biexciton in semiconducting carbon nanotubes using nonlinear optical spectroscopy L. Colombier, J. Selles, E. Rousseau, J. S. Lauret, F. Vialla, C. Voisin, and G. Cassabois Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 197402 (2012)
- Electrical-field induced structural change and charge transfer of lanthanide-salophen based complexes assembled on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor devices Gurvan Magadur, Fatima Bouanis, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Evgeny Norman, Régis Guillot, Vincent Huc, Costel-Sorin Cojocaru, Talal Mallah, Chem Commun 48, 9071-9073 (2012)
- Excitonic homogeneous broadening in single-wall carbon nanotubes D.T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, Ph. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J.S. Lauret, G. Cassabois Chem Phys 413, 102 (2013)
- Excitonic nonlinearities in single-wall carbon nanotubes D.T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, P. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J.S. Lauret, and G. Cassabois, Physica Status Solidi B 249, 907 (2012)
- Excitonic signatures in the optical response of single-wall carbon nanotubes Christophe Voisin, Sébastien Berger, Stéphane Berciaud, Hugen Yan, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Guillaume Cassabois, Philippe Roussignol, James Hone, and Tony F. Heinz, Phys. Status Solidi B 249, 900 (2012)
- High-Q planar organic-inorganic Perovskite-based microcavity Zheng Han, Hai-Son Nguyen, Fabien Boitier, Yi Wei, Katia Abdel-Baki, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Jacqueline Bloch, Sophie Bouchoule and Emmanuelle Deleporte, Optic Letters 37, 5061 (2012)
- Light harvesting with non covalent carbon nanotube / porphyrin compounds Cyrielle Roquelet, Benjamin Langlois, Fabien Vialla, Damien Garrot, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Christophe Voisin, ChemPhys 413, 45 (2013)
- Local Field Effects in the Energy Transfer between a Chromophore and a Carbon Nanotube : A Single Nano-compound Investigation. Cyrielle Roquelet, Fabien Vialla, Carole Diederichs, Philippe Roussignol, Claude Delalande, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, and Christophe Voisin, ACS Nano 6, pp 8796–8802 (2012)
- Optical anisotropy of single walled carbon nanotubes investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry Y. Battie, D. Jamon, J.-S. Lauret, A. En Naciri, L. Broch, A. Loiseau Carbon, 50, 4673-4679 (2012)
- Strong exciton-photon coupling in microcavities containing new fluorophenethylamine based perovskite compounds Yi Wei, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Laurent Galmiche, Pierre Audebert and Emmanuelle Deleporte, Optic Express 20, 10399 (2012)
- Vibrational properties of 2H-PbI2 semiconductors studied via Density Functional Theory calculations L. Pedesseau, J. Even , C. Katan, F. Raouafi , Y. Wei, E. Deleporte , J.-M. Jancu Thin Solid Films in press
- Coupled study by TEM/EELS and STM/STS of electronic properties of Cand CNx-nanotubes Hong Lin, Jérôme Lagoute, Vincent Repain, Cyril Chacon, Yann Girard, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Raul Arenal, François Ducastelle, Sylvie Rousset, Annick Loiseau, Compte rendus Physique 12, 909 (2011)
- Elastic Exciton-Exciton Scattering in Photoexcited Carbon Nanotubes D. T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, Ph. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J. S. Lauret, and G. Cassabois Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 127401 (2011)
- Gas sensors based on thick films of semi-conducting single walled carbon nanotubes Yann Battie, Olivier Ducloux, Philippe Thobois, Nelly Dorval, Jean Sébastien Lauret, Brigitte Attal-Trétout and Annick Loiseau, Carbon, 49, 3544-3552 (2011)
- Hybrid cavity polaritons in a ZnO-perovskite microcavity G. Lanty, S. Zhang, J. S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, P. Audebert, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, J. Zuniga-Perez, F. Semond D. Lagarde, F. Médard, and J. Leymarie, Phys. Rev. B 84, 195449 (2011)
- Phonon-induced dephasing in single-wall carbon nanotubes D. T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, Ph. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J. S. Lauret, and G. Cassabois , Phys. Rev. B 84, 115463 (2011)
- Synthesis and optical properties of novel organic-inorganic hybrid UV (R-NH3)2PbCl4 semiconductors Sanjun Zhang, Pierre Audebert, Yi Wei, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Laurent Galmiche Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 466 (2011)
- Third-order nonlinear optical response and photoluminescence characterization of tellurite glasses with different alkali metal oxides as network modifiers R. Castro-Beltrán, H. Desirena, G. Ramos-Ortiz, E. De la Rosa, G. Lanty, J. S. Lauret, S. Romero-Servin, and A. Schülzgen, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 083110 (2011)
- Time-resolved investigation of excitation energy transfer in carbon nanotube-porphyrin compounds Damien Garrot, Benjamin Langlois, Cyrielle Roquelet, Thierry Michel, Philippe Roussignol, Claude Delalande, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, and Christophe Voisin, J. Phys. Chem. C in press
- Many-body effects in Electronic Bandgaps of Carbon Nanotubes measured by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy H. Lin, J. Lagoute, V. Repain, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, J.-S. Lauret, F. Ducastelle, A. Loiseau, and S. Rousset, Nature Materials 9, 235 (2010)
- Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional layered (C6H5C2H4-NH3)2-PbI4 perovskite K. Gauthron, J-S. Lauret, L. Doyennette, G. Lanty, A. Al Choueiry, S. J. Zhang, A. Brehier, L. Largeau, O. Mauguin, J. Bloch, and E. Deleporte Optic Express 18, 5912 (2010)
- PI-Stacking Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes through Micelle Swelling Cyrielle Roquelet , Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Valérie Alain-Rizzo, Christophe Voisin, Romain Fleurier, Morgan Delarue, Damien Garrot, Annick Loiseau, Philippe Roussignol, Jacques A. Delaire, Emmanuelle Deleporte, ChemPhysChem 11, 1667 (2010)
- Quantum efficiency of energy transfer in non-covalent carbon nanotube/porphyrin compounds C. Roquelet , D. Garrot , J.S. Lauret, C. Voisin , V. Alain-Rizzo , Ph. Roussignol , J. Delaire , E. Deleporte, App. Phys. Lett. 97, 141918 (2010)
- Strong-coupling regime at room temperature in one-dimensional microcavities containing ultraviolet-emitting pérovskites G. Lanty, J.S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule and X. Lafosse, Superlattices and Microstructures 47, 10 (2010)
- High quality SWCNT synthesis in the presence of NH3 using a vertical flow aerosol reactor, Toma Susi, Albert G. Nasibulin, Paola Ayala, Ying Tian, Zhen Zhu, Hua Jiang, Cyrielle Roquelet, Damien Garrot, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, and Esko I. Kauppinen, Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2009)
- Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in a Composite Material : the Role of Dielectric Screening and Thermal Expansion Sébastien Berger, Florian Iglesias, Pierre Bonnet , G. Cassabois, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Claude Delalande, Philippe Roussignol, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105, 094323 (2009)Download file
- Sorting and transmission electron microscopy analysis of single or double wall carbon nanotubes Fleurier R., Lauret J.-S., Flahaut E., Loiseau A., Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–4 (2009)
- Synthesis and optical properties of novel organic–inorganic hybrid nanolayer structure semiconductors Sanjun Zhang, Gaëtan Lanty, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Pierre Audebert, Laurent Galmiche, Acta Materialia 57, 3301–3309 (2009)
- Synthesis of New Perovskite Luminescent Nanoparticles in the Visible Range Pierre Audebert, Gilles Clavier, Valrie Alain-Rizzo, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Sanjun Zhang, Jean-Sbastien Lauret, Gaëtan Lanty and Cédric Boissière, Chem. Mat. 21,210 (2009).
- Transmission Electron Microscopy and UV–vis–IR Spectroscopy Analysis of the Diameter Sorting of Carbon Nanotubes by Gradient Density Ultracentrifugation Romain Fleurier, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Ugo Lopez, and Annick Loiseau, Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2219-2223 (2009)
- UV polaritons at room temperature in a microcavity containing perovskites G. Lanty, J.S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchouleb and X. Lafosse, Journal of Luminescence129, 1985–1988 (2009)
- Excitation Transfer in Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Gurvan Magadur, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Valérie Alain-Rizzo, Christophe Voisin, Philippe Roussignol, Emmanuelle Deleporte, and Jacques A. Delaire, ChemPhysChem 9, 1250 (2008)
- Near-band-edge recombinations in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes: Cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements P. Jaffrennou,, J. Barjon, T. Schmid, L. Museur, A. Kanaev, J.-S. Lauret, C. Y. Zhi, C. Tang, Y. Bando, D. Golberg, B. Attal-Tretout, F. Ducastelle and A. Loiseau, Phys Rev B 77, 235422 (2008)
- Particularities of surface plasmon–exciton strong coupling with large Rabi splitting C Symonds, C Bonnand, J C Plenet, A Bréhier, R Parashkov, J S Lauret, E Deleporte and J Bellessa, New Journal of Physics 10, 065017 (2008)
- Strong exciton–photon coupling at room temperature in microcavities containing two-dimensional layered perovskite compounds G Lanty, A Bréhier, R Parashkov, J S Lauret and E Deleporte, New Journal of Physics 10, 065007 (2008)
- UV polaritonic emission from a perovskite-based microcavity G. Lanty, J. S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule, and X. Lafosse; App. Phys. Lett. 93,081101 (2008)
- "Luminescence properties of hexagonal boron nitride: Cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements " M. G. Silly, P. Jaffrennou, J. Barjon, J.S. Lauret, F. Ducastelle, A. loiseau, E. Obraztsova, B. Attal-Tretout and E. Rosencher
- Cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy on a single multiwall boron nitride nanotube P. Jaffrenou, F. Donatini, J. Barjon, J.S. Lauret, A. Maguer, B. Attal-Tretout, F. Ducastelle, A. Loiseau Chem. Phys. Lett. 442, 372 (2007)
- Emission of hybrid organic-inorganic exciton/plasmon mixed state C. Symonds, J. Bellessa, and J. C. Plenet, A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, J.-S. Lauret and E. Deleporte, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 091107 (2007)
- Origin of the excitonic recombinations in hexagonal boron nitride by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy P. Jaffrenou, J. Barjon, J.S. Lauret, B. Attal-Tretout, F. Ducastelle, A. Loiseau, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 116102 (2007)
- Hybrid organic-inorganic exciton-polaritons in a strongly coupled microcavity J. Wenus, R. Parashkov, S. Ceccarelli, A. Brehier, J.-S. Lauret, M. S. Skolnick, E. Deleporte and D. Lidzey, Phys. Rev. B 74, 235212 (2006)
- Perovskite organic semi-conductor: a way to hybrid microcavities A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen I. Ledoux, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux and E. Deleporte Proceedings of ICPS28 (International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors; July 24-28,2006, Vienna, Austria)
- Preparation and characterisation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite type thin-films R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen and E. Deleporte Proceedings of ICOE05 (International conference on organic electronics, Eindhoven, Pays Bas ; 20-22 Juin 2006)
- Preparation and characterisation of perovskite type thin-films R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, A. Georgiev, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen, M. Leroux and E. Deleporte Book Chapter in New advanced material (2006)
- Strong exciton-photon coupling in a microcavity containing layered pérovskites semiconductors A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, J.-S. Lauret and E. Deleporte, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 171110 (2006)
- Third Harmonic generation measurements on organic semiconductor films A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, C.T. Nguyen, D. Josse, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, J.S. Lauret, J. Wenus and D.G. Lidzey Proceedings of ICPS28 (International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors; July 24-28,2006, Vienna, Austria)