Accueil > Publications > Nanophotonique quantique
Recherche - Valorisation
G. Dantelle, A. Slablab, L. Rondin, F. Lainé, F. Carrel, Ph. Bergonzo, S. Perruchas, T. Gacoin, F. Treussart , and J.-F. Roch; acte de la conférence « Hole-Burning and Single Molecule 2009 », 20-27 juin 2009, Palm Cove, Australie; J. Lumin (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.003
Nanodiamond powders with an average size of 50 nm have been irradiated using high-energy electron beam. After annealing and chemical treatment, nanodiamond colloidal solutions were obtained and deposited on silica coverslips by spin-coating. The fluorescence of nanodiamond films was studied by confocal microscopy together with atomic force microscopy. We evaluated the proportion of luminescent nanodiamonds as a function of the irradiation duration and showed that large quantities, exceeding hundreds of mg, of luminescent nanodiamonds can be produced with than one hour of electron irradiation.