Romain Fleurier, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Ugo Lopez, and Annick Loiseau, Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2219-2223 (2009)
Diameter separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes is achieved via the
density gradient ultracentrifugation process. Statistical analysis of the
separated samples is performed using high-resolution transmission electron
microscopy (HRTEM). The evolution of the diameter distribution with respect
to the gradient density is extracted by analyzing hundreds of HRTEM images,
and the results are found to be consistent with those estimated by UV-vis-IR
spectroscopy. The efficiency of the separation process can be quantitatively
characterized by the standard deviation of the diameter distribution, which is
determined from the TEM analyses. This particular study indicated that for
electric arc nanotubes dispersed in sodium cholate, diameter sorting is more
efficient in the upper part of the gradient.
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