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ENS Paris-Saclay - Lumière, Matière et Interfaces

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Accueil > Publications > Nano-hybrides

Recherche - Valorisation

Synthesis of New Perovskite Luminescent Nanoparticles in the Visible Range

Pierre Audebert, Gilles Clavier, Valrie Alain-Rizzo, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Sanjun Zhang, Jean-Sbastien Lauret, Gaëtan Lanty and Cédric Boissière, Chem. Mat. 21,210 (2009).

New large size luminescent nanoparticles have been prepared, based on lead bromide or iodide organic perovskites. The luminescent center is made of PbX42 octahedrons. The preparation of the nanoparticles stems from fast nebulization and subsequent lyophilization of perovskite DMF solutions. The particles described have an average size of 60 nm, but a 20500 nm range is in principle accessible. These new nanoparticles constitute an alternative to Q-dots which allows variable size while retaining the same emission wavelength, like silica particles functionalized with organic dyes, but with a higher stability under illumination.

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