Cette page regroupe les publications du LPQM parues en 2012.
- Storage and Retrieval of a Microwave Field in a Spin Ensemble. Y. Kubo, I. Diniz, A. Dewes, V. Jacques, A. Dréau, J.-F. Roch, A. Auffeves, D. Vion, D.Esteve, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. A 85, 012333 (2012).
- 3D Characterization of Photo-Induced Anisotropy and All-Optical Poling of Organic Films Michel Dumont, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics: Concepts in Modern Optics, Vol. 43, Number 1-4, pp. 239-257, eds. I. Ledoux and F. Kajzar (2012).
- ABAB Homoleptic Bis(phthalocyaninato)lutetium(III) Complex: Toward the Real Octupolar Cube and Giant Quadratic Hyperpolarizability M. M. Ayhan, A. Singh, C. Hirel, A. G. Gurek, V. Ahsen, E. Jeanneau, I. Ledoux-Rak, J. Zyss, C. Andraud, Y. Bretonniere, J.The American Chemical Society 134, 3655-3658 (2012)
- Charge Transfer and Tunable Ambipolar Effect induced by the assembly of Cu(II) Binuclear Complexes on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Devices G. Magadur, J.S. Lauret, G. Charron, F. Bouanis, E. Norman, V. Huc, C.S. Cojocaru, S. Gómez-Coca, E. Ruiz, T. Mallah, JACS 134, 7896 (2012)
- Composants électro-optiques pour les télécommunications: de la molécule aux dispositifs Chi Thanh Nguyen, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, AF 6615, pp. 1-25, (juillet 2012)
- Detection of a biexciton in semiconducting carbon nanotubes using nonlinear optical spectroscopy L. Colombier, J. Selles, E. Rousseau, J. S. Lauret, F. Vialla, C. Voisin, and G. Cassabois Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 197402 (2012)
- Electrical-field induced structural change and charge transfer of lanthanide-salophen based complexes assembled on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor devices Gurvan Magadur, Fatima Bouanis, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Evgeny Norman, Régis Guillot, Vincent Huc, Costel-Sorin Cojocaru, Talal Mallah, Chem Commun 48, 9071-9073 (2012)
- Enhancing performance of polymer-based microlasers by a pedestal geometry S. Lozenko, N. Djellali, I. Gozhyk, C. Delezoide, J. Lautru, C. Ulysse, J. Zyss, and M. Lebental, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 111, 103116 (2012).
- Excitonic homogeneous broadening in single-wall carbon nanotubes D.T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, Ph. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J.S. Lauret, G. Cassabois Chem Phys 413, 102 (2013)
- Excitonic nonlinearities in single-wall carbon nanotubes D.T. Nguyen, C. Voisin, P. Roussignol, C. Roquelet, J.S. Lauret, and G. Cassabois, Physica Status Solidi B 249, 907 (2012)
- Excitonic signatures in the optical response of single-wall carbon nanotubes Christophe Voisin, Sébastien Berger, Stéphane Berciaud, Hugen Yan, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Guillaume Cassabois, Philippe Roussignol, James Hone, and Tony F. Heinz, Phys. Status Solidi B 249, 900 (2012)
- From Octupoles to Octupoling and from electric field induced second-harmonic (EFISH) to multipolar field induced second-harmonic (MEFISH) Zyss J, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, 43 (1,4), 97-131 (2012)
- High resolution spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby 13C nuclear spins in diamond. A. Dréau, J.-R. Maze, M. Lesik, J.-F. Roch, and V. Jacques, Phys. Rev. B 85, 134107 (2012).
- High-Q planar organic-inorganic Perovskite-based microcavity Zheng Han, Hai-Son Nguyen, Fabien Boitier, Yi Wei, Katia Abdel-Baki, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Jacqueline Bloch, Sophie Bouchoule and Emmanuelle Deleporte, Optic Letters 37, 5061 (2012)
- Incoherent UV/VIS lasers assisted surface relief grating formation Xiao Wu, Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen, Deyan Sun, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Chi Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Diep Lai, Advanced Materials Research 560-561, 456-461 (2012)
- Influence of anion on the quadratic nonlinearity and depolarization ratios of scattered second harmonic light from cation-π complexes R. Pandey, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Ramasesha, Puspendu K. Das, J. Zyss, Chem. Phys. 136, 194504 (2012)
- Influence of the Internalization Pathway on the Efficacy of siRNA Delivery by Cationic Fluorescent Nanodiamonds in the Ewing Sarcoma Cell Model Anna Alhaddad, Catherine Durieu, Géraldine Dantelle, Eric Le Cam, Claude Malvy, François Treussart, Jean-Rémi Bertrand, PLoS ONE 7(12): e52207
- Infrared, visible and upconversion emission of CaAl12O19 powders doped with Er3+, Yb3+ and Mg2+ ions V. Singh, V. K. Rai, I.-J. Lee, I. Ledoux-Rak, K. Al-Shamery, J. Nordmann and M. Haase, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 106, 223-228 (2012)
- Light harvesting with non covalent carbon nanotube / porphyrin compounds Cyrielle Roquelet, Benjamin Langlois, Fabien Vialla, Damien Garrot, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Christophe Voisin, ChemPhys 413, 45 (2013)
- Local Field Effects in the Energy Transfer between a Chromophore and a Carbon Nanotube : A Single Nano-compound Investigation. Cyrielle Roquelet, Fabien Vialla, Carole Diederichs, Philippe Roussignol, Claude Delalande, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, and Christophe Voisin, ACS Nano 6, pp 8796–8802 (2012)
- Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer L. Rondin, J.-P. Tetienne, P. Spinicelli, C. Dal Savio, K. Karrai, G. Dantelle, A. Thiaville, S. Rohart, J.-F. Roch, V. Jacques, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 153118 (2012)
- Nano–Octupoling in Two Dimensions by a Purely Octupolar Electrostatic Potential Mitus A, Jarema M, Pawlik G, Zyss J, Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, 43 (1,4), 133-141 (2012)
- Near- and far-field effects on the plasmon coupling in gold nanoparticle arrays X. Wang, Ph. Gogol, E. Cambril, and B. Palpant, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (46), 24741–24747 (2012)
- Optical anisotropy of single walled carbon nanotubes investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry Y. Battie, D. Jamon, J.-S. Lauret, A. En Naciri, L. Broch, A. Loiseau Carbon, 50, 4673-4679 (2012)
- Optical modulation of guided mode resonance in the waveguide grating structure incorporated with azo-doped-poly(methylmethacrylate) cladding layer Jian Hung Lin, Yu Chung Huang, Ngoc Diep Lai, Hung-Chih Kan, and Chia Chen Hsu, Opt. Express 20, 377-384 (2012)
- Phase transitions, ferroelectric behavior and second-order nonlinear optics of a new mixed sodium dihydrogen phosphate-arsenate N. Ennaceur, K. Jarraya, A. Singh, I. Ledoux-Rak, and T. Mhiri, J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73, 418-422 (2012)
- Photochromic Metal Complexes: Photoregulation of both the Nonlinear Optical and Luminescent Properties L. Ordronneau, H. Nitadori, I. Ledoux-Rak, A.Singh, JAG. Williams, M. Akita, V. Guerchais, H. Le Bozec, Inorganic Chemistry 51, 5627-5636 (2012)
- Photoswitching of the second-order nonlinearity of a tetrahedral octupolar multi DTE-based copper(I) complex H. Nitadori, L. Ordronneau, J. Boixel, D. Jacquemin, A. Boucekkine, A. Singh, M. Akita, I. Ledoux-Rak, V. Guerchais, H. Le Bozec, Chemical Communications 48, 10395-10397 (2012)
- Polarization properties of solid-state organic lasers I. Gozhyk, G. Clavier, R. Méallet-Renault, M. Dvorko, R. Pansu, J.-F. Audibert, A. Brosseau, C. Lafargue, V. Tsvirkun, S. Lozenko, S. Forget, S. Chénais, C. Ulysse, J. Zyss, and M. Lebental, Physical Review A, vol. 86, 043817 (2012).
- Second-harmonic generation from coupled plasmon modes in a single dimer of gold nanospheres A. Slablab, L. Le Xuan, M. Zielinski, Y. de Wilde, V. Jacques, D. Chauvat, J.-F. Roch, Opt. Exp. 20, 220 (2012)
- Strong exciton-photon coupling in microcavities containing new fluorophenethylamine based perovskite compounds Yi Wei, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Laurent Galmiche, Pierre Audebert and Emmanuelle Deleporte, Optic Express 20, 10399 (2012)
- Synthesis and second-order nonlinear optical properties of push-pull BODIPY derivatives W. J. Shi, P. C. Lo, A. Singh, I. Ledoux-Rak, Tetrahedron 68, 8712-8718 (2012)
- Synthesis, characterization, optical absorption, luminescence and defect centres in Er3+ and Yb3+ co-doped MgAl2O4 phosphors V. Singh, V. K. Rai, V. Kumar, S. Watanabe, TKG. Rao, L. Badie, I. Ledoux-Rak, Y. D. Jho, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 108, 437-446 (2012)
- The synthesis and characterisation of novel ferrocenyl polyphenylenes D. J. Roberts, D. Nolan, G.M.O Maille, G.W. Watson, A. Singh, I. Ledoux-Rak, S. M. Draper, Dalton Transactions 41, 8850-8860 (2012)
- The synthesis of tetrahedral bipyridyl metallo-octupoles with large second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties H. Akdas-Kilig, J. Malval, F. Morlet-savary, A. Singh, L. Toupet, I. Ledoux-rak, J. Zyss, H. Le Bozec, Dyes and Pigments 92, 681-688 (2012)
- Thermo-optical properties of embedded silver nanoparticles M. Rashidi Huyeh, M. Shirdel Havara and B. Palpant, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 103101 (2012)
- Triaryl-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-triones functionalized with electron-rich Fe(II) and Ru(II) acetylide complexes: new organometallic octupoles with large hyperpolarizabilities A. Trujillo, R. Veillard, G. Argouarch, T. Roisnel, A. Singh, I. Ledoux-Rak, F. Paul, Dalton Transactions 41, 7454-7456 (2012)
- UV beam-assisted efficient formation of surface relief grating on azobenzene polymers Xiao Wu, Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Chi Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Diep Lai, Appl. Phys. B - Laser and Optics 107, 819-822 (2012)
- Vertically Coupled Polymer Microracetrack Resonators for Label-Free Biochemical Sensors C. Delezoide, M. Salsac, J. Lautru, H. Leh, C. Nogues, J. Zyss, M. Buckle, I. Ledoux-Rak and C.T. Nguyen, Photon. Technol. Lett. 24, 270-272 (2012)
- Vertically coupled polymer microresonators for optofluidic label-free biosensors Camille Delezoide, Joseph Lautru, Joseph Zyss, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, and Chi Thanh Nguyen, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials and Technology, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 8264, pp. 826416-13 (2012)
- Vibrational properties of 2H-PbI2 semiconductors studied via Density Functional Theory calculations L. Pedesseau, J. Even , C. Katan, F. Raouafi , Y. Wei, E. Deleporte , J.-M. Jancu Thin Solid Films in press