Cette page regroupe les publications du LPQM parues en 2008.
- Fabrication of spatial modulated second order nonlinear structures and quasi-phase matched second harmonic generation in a poled azocopolymer planar waveguide Jian Hung Lin, Ngoc Diep Lai, Chiu Han Chiu, C. Y. Lin, G. W. Rieger, J. F. Young, F. S. S. Chien, C. C. Hsu, Opt. Express 16, 7832-7841 (2008)
- Another way to shape comprehensive analytical approach describing electromagnetic energy distribution through four-slab-layer structures B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, A. Renault, J. Zyss, F. Artzner,Opt. Int. J. Light Electron. Opt., 2008.
- Circular dielectric cavity and its deformations R. Dubertrand, E. Bogomolny, N. Djellali, M. Lebental, C. Schmit et J. Zyss, Phys. Rev. A 77, 013804 (2008)
- Delayed-Choice Test of Quantum Complementarity with Interfering Single Photons Vincent Jacques, E Wu, Frédéric Grosshans, François Treussart, Philippe Grangier, Alain Aspect, and Jean-François Roch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 220402 (2008)
- Detection of single photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles in cell and study of the internalization pathway O. Faklaris, D. Garrot, V. Joshi, F. Druon, J.-P. Boudou, Th. Sauvage, P. Georges, P. Curmi, and F. Treussart, Small 4, 2236-2239 (2008)
- Diamond nanocrystals hosting single NV color centers sorted by photon-correlation near-field microscopy Y. Sonnefraud, O. Faklaris, A. Cuche, J.-P. Boudou, T. Sauvage, J.-F. Roch, F. Treussart, and S. Huant, Opt. Lett. 33, 611 (2008)
- Efficient Photoswitching of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dipolar Photochromic Zinc(II) Complexes, Vincent Aubert, Véronique Guerchais, Eléna Ishow, Khuyen Hoang-Thi, Isabelle Ledoux, Keitaro Nakatani, and Hubert Le Bozec, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, pp. 577-580 (2008).
- Enhancing single-molecule photostability by optical feedback from quantum-jump detection V. Jacques, J. Murray, F. Marquier, D. Chauvat, F. Grosshans, F. Treussart, and J.-F. Roch, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 2003307 (2008)
- Excitation Transfer in Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Gurvan Magadur, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Valérie Alain-Rizzo, Christophe Voisin, Philippe Roussignol, Emmanuelle Deleporte, and Jacques A. Delaire, ChemPhysChem 9, 1250 (2008)
- Formation of color centers in nanodiamonds by plasma assisted diffusion of impurities from the growth substrate I. Aharonovich, C. Zhou,A. Stacey, F. Treussart, J.-F. Roch, and S. Prawer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 243112 (2008)
- Illustration of quantum complementarity using single photons interfering on a grating V Jacques, Ngoc Diep Lai, A Dréau, D Zheng, D Chauvat, F Treussart, P Grangier, J-F Roch, New J. Phys. 10 123009 (11pp) doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/10/12/123009
- Marcatili’s extended approach: comparison to semi-vectorial methods applied to pedestal waveguide design, T. Begou, B. Bèche, N Grossard, J Zyss, A Goullet, G Jezequel, E.Gaviot,J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 10 055310 (2008).
- Near-band-edge recombinations in multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes: Cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements P. Jaffrennou,, J. Barjon, T. Schmid, L. Museur, A. Kanaev, J.-S. Lauret, C. Y. Zhi, C. Tang, Y. Bando, D. Golberg, B. Attal-Tretout, F. Ducastelle and A. Loiseau, Phys Rev B 77, 235422 (2008)
- Nonclassical photon statistics in a single nickel-nitrogen diamond color center photoluminescence at room temperature E Wu, J. R. Rabeau, F. Treussart, H. Zeng, P. Grangier, S. Prawer and J. -F. Roch, J. Mod. Opt. 55, 2893 - 2901 (2008)
- Particularities of surface plasmon–exciton strong coupling with large Rabi splitting C Symonds, C Bonnand, J C Plenet, A Bréhier, R Parashkov, J S Lauret, E Deleporte and J Bellessa, New Journal of Physics 10, 065017 (2008)
- Spin coating and plasma process for 2.5 D integrated photonics on multilayer polymers, A. Zebda, L. Camberlein, B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, E. Bêche, D. Duval, J. Zyss, G. Jézéquel, F. Solal, C. Godet,Thin Solid Films, vol. 516, pp.8668-8674 (2008).
- Strong exciton–photon coupling at room temperature in microcavities containing two-dimensional layered perovskite compounds G Lanty, A Bréhier, R Parashkov, J S Lauret and E Deleporte, New Journal of Physics 10, 065007 (2008)
- UV polaritonic emission from a perovskite-based microcavity G. Lanty, J. S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule, and X. Lafosse; App. Phys. Lett. 93,081101 (2008)