Cette page regroupe les publications du LPQM parues en 2006.
- Air-stable PbSe/PbS and PbSe/PbSexS1-x core-shell nanocrystals quantum dots and their applications, E. Lifshitz, M. Brumer, A. Kigel, M. Sirota, E. Galun, Z. Burshtein, A. Q. Le Quang, I. Ledoux-Rak, J. Zyss,J. Physical Chemistry:B. 110(50), 25356 (2006).
- Balanced homodyne detection in second-harmonic generation microscopy, Loc Le Xuan, Sophie Brasselet, François Treussart, Jean-François Roch, François Marquier, Dominique Chauvat, Sandrine Perruchas, Cédric Tard, Thierry Gacoin, Applied Physics Letters 89 121118 (2006); e-print physics/0604125
- Conception of Optical Integrated Circuits on Polymers, B. Bêche, N. Pelletier, R. Hierle, A. Goullet, J.P. Landesman, E. Gaviot, J. Zyss,Microelectronics Journal, 2006, vol. 37, pp. 421-427.
- Demonstration of net gain at 1550 nm in an erbium-doped polymer single mode rib waveguide A.Q Le Quang, R. Hierle, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, G. Cusmai, R. Costa, A. Barberis, S. Pietralunga,Applied Physics Letters. 89, 141124 (2006).
- Design of a new photomixer based on electro-optic polymer, F. Duport, C. T. Nguyen, R. Hierle, B. Journet, P. Labbé, J. Zyss,Proceeding of the MWP'06 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Grenoble, France, 3-6 October 2006, DOI:10.1109/MWP.2006.346539.
- Dipolar Organo-Iron Methylenepyran-Hydrazone Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure, Linear and nonlinear optical properties, Lorena Millán, Mauricio Fuentealba, Carolina Manzur, David Carrillo,Nadège Faux, Bertrand Caro, Françoise Robin-Le Guen, Sourisak Sinbandhit, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak and Jean-René Hamon,Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., pp. 1131–1138 (2006).
- Donor-Acceptor-Donor Tetrazines Containing a Ferrocene Unit : Synthesis, Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Properties, I. Janowska, F. Miomandre, G. Clavier, P. Audebert, J. Zakrzewski, K.H. Thi and I. Ledoux-Rak,J. Phys. Chem. A, 110(47), pp. 12971-12975 (2006).
- Generation and Detection of Infrared Single Photons and their Applications H.Zeng, G. Wu, E Wu,H. Pan, C.Zhou, F. Treussart, J.-F. Roch, Front. Phys. China 1 1-18
- Highly directional stadium-shaped polymer microcavities, M.Lebental, J.S.Lauret, R. Hierle, J. Zyss, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 031108 (2006).
- Hybrid organic-inorganic exciton-polaritons in a strongly coupled microcavity J. Wenus, R. Parashkov, S. Ceccarelli, A. Brehier, J.-S. Lauret, M. S. Skolnick, E. Deleporte and D. Lidzey, Phys. Rev. B 74, 235212 (2006)
- Intensity noise measurement of strongly attenuated laser diode pulses in the time domain Quyên Dinh Xuân, R. Alléaume, Liantuan Xiao, F. Treussart, B. Journet and J.-F. Roch, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 35, 117-121
- Light modulation with electro-optic polymer-based resonant grating waveguide structures T. Katchalski, G. Levy-Yurista, A. Friesem, G. Martin, R. Hierle, and J. Zyss,Opt. Express 13 (12), 4645-4650 (2006).
- Narrow-band single-photon emission in the near infrared for quantum key distribution E Wu, V. Jacques, H. Zeng, Ph. Grangier, F. Treussart , J.-F. Roch, Optics Express 14, 1296-1303 ; e-print quant-ph/05120332
- Octupolar metal nanoparticles as optically friven, coherently controlled nanorotors M.I. Stockman, K. Li, S. Brasselet, J. Zyss, Chemical Physics Letters 433 (2006) 130–135
- Optimality of Gaussian Attacks in Continuous Variable Quantum Cryptography M. Navascués, F. Grosshans, A. Acín, Physical Review Letters 97 190502; e-print quant-ph/0608034
- Perovskite organic semi-conductor: a way to hybrid microcavities A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen I. Ledoux, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux and E. Deleporte Proceedings of ICPS28 (International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors; July 24-28,2006, Vienna, Austria)
- Perovskite organic semiconductor: a way to hybrid microcavities, A.Bréhier, R. Parashkov, J.-S. Lauret, C. T. Nguyen, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, Proceeding of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, Austria, pp. 353-354, July 2006, DOI:10.1063/1.2729912.
- Photoluminescence of single colour defects in 50 nm diamond nanocrystals F. Treussart, V. Jacques, E. Wu, T. Gacoin, P. Grangier, J.-F. Roch, Physica B 376 926-929
- Preparation and characterisation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite type thin-films R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen and E. Deleporte Proceedings of ICOE05 (International conference on organic electronics, Eindhoven, Pays Bas ; 20-22 Juin 2006)
- Preparation and characterisation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite type thin-films, R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen and E. Deleporte, Proceedings of ICOE05 (International conference on organic electronics), Eindhoven, Pays Bas ; 20-22 June 2006.
- Preparation and characterisation of perovskite type thin-films R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, A. Georgiev, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen, M. Leroux and E. Deleporte Book Chapter in New advanced material (2006)
- Second harmonic generation from individual hybrid MnPS3-based nanoparticles investigated by nonlinear microscopy, E. Delahaye, N. Tancrez, T. Yi, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss, S. Brasselet, R. Clément,Chem. Phys. Lett. 429, pp. 533-537 (2006).
- Single-mode rib optical waveguides on SOG/SU-8 polymer and integrated Mach-Zehnder for designing thermal sensors, N. Pelletier, B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, L. Camberlein, N. Grossard, F. Polet, J. Zyss,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2006, vol. 6, n°3, pp. 565-570.
- Single-photon emission in the near infrared from diamond colour centre E Wu, V. Jacques, F. Treussart, H. Zeng, P. Grangier, J.-F. Roch, Journal of Luminescence 119-120 19-23
- Stabilization of the bias point of an electro-optic modulator based on polymer material, C. T. Nguyen, A. Clouquer, R. Hierle, B. Journet, P. Labbé, J. Zyss,Opto 2006, Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices VIII, Proceeding of SPIE, Vol. 6117-47, San Jose, 21-26 Jan. 2006.
- Strong exciton-photon coupling in a microcavity containing layered pérovskites semiconductors A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, J.-S. Lauret and E. Deleporte, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 171110 (2006)
- Synthesis, structural studies, theoretical calculations, and linear and nonlinear optical properties of terpyridyl lanthanide complexes: New evidence for the contribution of f electrons to the NLO activity, Katell Sénéchal-David, Anne Hemeryck, Nicolas Tancrez, Loïc Toupet, J. A. Gareth Williams, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss, Abdou Boucekkine, Jean-Paul Guégan, Hubert Le Bozec, and Olivier Maury,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 12243-12255 (2006).
- Third Harmonic generation measurements on organic semiconductor films A. Brehier, R. Parashkov, C.T. Nguyen, D. Josse, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, J.S. Lauret, J. Wenus and D.G. Lidzey Proceedings of ICPS28 (International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors; July 24-28,2006, Vienna, Austria)
- Third harmonic generation measurements on organic semiconductor films, A.Bréhier, R. Parashkov, D. Josse, C. T. Nguyen, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, J.-S. Lauret, J. Wenus, D.G. Lidzey, Proceeding of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, Austria, pp.369-370, July 2006, DOI:10.1063/1.2729920.