Cette page regroupe les publications du LPQM parues en 2005.
- A facile organolithium route to ferrocene-based triarylmethyl dyes with substantial near IR and NLO properties, C. Arbez-Gindre, B.R. Steele, G.A. Heropoulos, C.G. Screttas, J.-E. Communal, W.J. Blau and I.Ledoux-Rak,J. Organomet. Chem., 690, 1620-1626 (2005).
- An hybrid organic-inorganic approach to erbium-functionalized nanodots for emission in the telecom window, A.Q. Le Quang, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, V.G. Truong A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, D.H. Le, A. Gibaud, Chemical Physics 318, 33 (2005).
- An hybrid organic-inorganic approach to erbium-functionalized nanodots for emission in the telecom window, A.Q. Le Quang, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, V.G. Truong A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, D.H. Le, A. Gibaud,Chemical Physics 318, 33 (2005).
- Deciphering output coupling mechanisms in spiral microcavities with femtosecond light bullets, F. Courvoisier, V. Boutou, J. P. Wolf, R. K. Chang, and J. Zyss, Opt. Lett. 30, 738-740 (2005).
- Electrooptic Probe Based on an Organic Microcavity, G. Gaborit, G. Martin, L. Duvillaret, J-L. Coutaz, C. T. Nguyen, R. Hierle and J. Zyss,IEEE Phot. Technol. Lett., 17 (10), 2140-2142, (2005).
- Fluorine plasma treatment on SU-8 polymer for integrated optics, B. Bêche, P. Papet, D. Debarnot, E. Gaviot, J. Zyss, F. Poncin-Epaillard,Opt. Commun., vol 246/1-3 pp. 25- 28 (2005).
- Highly efficiency and quadratic nonlinear optical properties of a fully optimized 2-D octupolar crystal characterized by nonlinear microscopy V. Le Floch, S. Brasselet, J. Zyss, B.R. Cho, S.H. Lee, S.-J. Jeon, M. Cho, K.S. Min, M.P. Suh, Adv.Mat. 17(2), 196 (2005)
- Integrated Mach- Zehnder interferometer on SU-8 polymer for versatile pressure sensor, N. Pelletier, B. Bêche, N. Tahani, L. Camberlein, E. Gaviot, A. Goullet, J.P. Landesman, J. Zyss,IEEE Sensors 2005, vol. 4, pp. 640-643.
- J-Aggregated Dye – MnPS3 Hybrid Nano-Particles With Giant Quadratic Optical Non-Linearity, Tao Yi, Rene Clément, Christian Haut, Laure Catala, Thierry Gacoin, Nicolas Tancrez, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss,Adv. Materials, 17(3), 335 (2005).
- Lanthanide Complexes for Second Order Nonlinear Optics: Evidence for the Direct Contribution of f Electrons to the Quadratic Hyperpolarizability, Nicolas Tancrez, Christophe Feuvrie, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss, Loïc Toupet, Hubert Le Bozec, and Olivier Maury,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127(39), pp. 13474-13475 (2005).
- Local orientational distribution of molecular monolayers probed by nonlinear microscopy C. Anceau, S. Brasselet, J. Zyss, Chem. Phys. Lett. 411, 98 (2005)
- Matching molecular and optical multipoles in photoizomerizable octupolar nonlinear systems R. Piron, S. Brasselet, D. Josse, G. Viscardi, C. Barolo, J. Zyss, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22(6), 1276 (2005)
- Orientation of Azo-Dye molecules in polymer films, via photoisomerization: Dichroism measurements and second harmonic generation Ngan Nguyen Thi Kim, M. Dumont , J. A. Delaire, K. Nakataki, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 430, 249-256 (2005)
- Self-ordered dendrimers based on multi-octupolar ruthenium complexes for quadratic nonlinear optics, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, T. Le Bouder, O. Maury, A. Bondon, H. Le Bozec,J. Luminescence, 111, pp.215-387 (2005).
- Simple interferometric technique for generation of a radially polarized light beam N. Passilly, R. de Saint Denis, K. Aït-Ameur, F. Treussart, R. Hierle, and J. -F. Roch, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22, 984-991 (2005)
- Single-photon wavefront-splitting interference. An illustration of the light quantum in action V. Jacques, E Wu, T. Toury, F. Treussart, A. Aspect, P. Grangier and J.-F. Roch, Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 561 (2005)
- Structural Modulation of the Dipolar-Octupolar Contributions to the NLO Response in Subphthalocyanines, Christian G. Claessens, David Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Tomas Torres, Guillermo Martin, Fernando Agullo-Lopez, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss,Victor R. Ferro, and Jose M. Garcia de la Vega,J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, pp. 3800-3806 (2005).
- Supramolecular associations of anionic and cationic octupoles, C. Feuvrie, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss, H. Le Bozec, O. Maury,Compte Rendus de Chimie, 8, pp. 1243-1248 (2005).
- Synthesis, Characterisation and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Octupolar Systems Based on Phthalocyanine Compounds, Maurizio Quintiliani, Eva M. García-Frutos, Andreas Gouloumis, Purificación Vázquez, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, Christian G. Claessens, Tomás Torres,Eur. J. Org. Chem., 18, 3911-3915 (2005).
- Unidirectional laser emission from polymer-based spiral microdisks, T. Ben-Messaoud, J. Zyss, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, (24), 241110 (2005).
- [2,2]paracyclophane-bisphthalocyanines: non-classical push-pull systems for second harmonic generation, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines Andrés de la Escosura, Christian G. Claessens, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, M. Victoria Martínez-Díaz and Tomás Torres,JPP, 9, n° 11, 788 (2005).