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Publications - Molecular engineering
- Donor-substituted triaryl-1,3,5-triazinanes-2,4,6-triones: octupolar NLO-phores with a remarkable transparency-nonlinearity trade-off Gilles Argouarch , Romain Veillard , Thierry Roisnel , Anissa Amar , Abdou Boucekkine, Anu Singh, Isabelle Ledoux and Frédéric Paul, New J. Chem. 35, 2409-2411 (2011)
- Highly Efficient Photorefractive Organic Polymers Based on Benzonitrile Shiff Bases Nonlinear Chromophores V.-M. Herrera-Ambriz, J.-L. Maldonado, M. Rodríguez, R. Castro-Beltrán, G. Ramos-Ortíz, N.-E. Magaña-Vergara, M.-A. Meneses-Nava, O. Barbosa-García, R. Santillan, N. Farfán, F.-X. Dang, P. G. Lacroix and I. Ledoux-Rak, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 23955–23963 (2011)
- Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Cationic Bipyridyl Iridium (III) Complexes: Tunable and Photoswitchable? V. Aubert, L. Ordronneau, M. Escadeillas, J. A. G. Williams, A. Boucekkine, E. Coulaud, C. Dragonetti, S. Righetto, D. Roberto, R. Ugo, A. Valore, A. Singh, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux-Rak, H. Le Bozec, and V. Guerchais, Inorganic Chemistry, 50, 5027-5038 (2011)
- Luminescence and EPR studies of Y2O3:Gd3+ phosphors prepared via solution combustion method Vijay Singh, R. P. S. Chakradhar, J. L. Rao, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak and Ho-Young Kwak, J. Materials Science , 46, 1038-1043 (2011)
- Synthesis and NLO properties of new trans 2-(thiophen-2-yl)vinyl heteroaromatic iodides Cosimo Gianluca Fortuna, Carmela Bonaccorso, Fadi Qamar, Anu Anu, Isabelle Ledoux and Giuseppe Musumarra, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 9, 1608-1613 (2011)
- Effects of the Metal Center and Substituting Groups on the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Styryl-Bipyridine Metal(II) Dichloride Complexes: DFT and TDDFT Computational Investigations and Harmonic Light Scattering Measurements A. Baccouche, B. Peigné, F. Ibersiene, D. Hammoutène, A. Boutarfaïa, A. Boucekkine, C. Feuvrie, O. Maury, I. Ledoux, H. Le Bozec, J. Phys. Chem A. 114, 5429–5438 (2010)
- Fluorinated β-Diketonate Diglyme Lanthanide Complexes as New Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Chromophores: The Role of f Electrons in the Dipolar and Octupolar Contribution to Quadratic Hyperpolarizability A. Valore, E. Cariati, S. Righetto, D. Roberto, F. Tessore, R. Ugo, I. L. Fragala, M. E. Fragala, G. Malandrino, F. De Angelis, L. Belpassi, I. Ledoux-Rak, K. Hoang Thi, J. Zyss, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 4966-4970 (2010)
- Infrared emission and defect centers in Er and Yb co-doped Y3Al5O12 phosphors V. Singh, V. K. Rai, S. Watanabe, T.K. Gundu Rao, I. Ledoux-Rak, H-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. A- Materials Science & Processing, 100, 1123-1130 (2010)
- Infrared emissions, visible up-conversion, thermoluminescence and defect centres in Er3Al5O12 phosphor obtained by solution combustion reaction V. Singh, V.K. Rai, S. Watanabe, T.K. Gundu Rao, I. Ledoux-Rak, H-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 101, 631-638 (2010)
- Infrared luminescence, thermoluminescence and defect centres in Er and Yb co-doped ZnAl2O4 phosphor V. Singh, S. Watanabe, T.K. Gundu Rao, J.F.D. Chubaci, I. Ledoux-Rak, H.-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B 98, 165–172 (2010)
- Synthesis, Spectral, Structural, Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties and Theoretical Studies on New Organometallic Donor-Acceptor Substituted Nickel(Ii) and Copper(II) Unsymmetrical Schiff-Base Complexes A. Trujillo, M. Fuentealba, D. Carrillo, C. Manzur, I. Ledoux-Rak, J. R. Hamon and J. Y. Saillard, Inorg. Chem. 49, 2750-2764 (2010)
- A New Class of Bipyrimidine-based Octupolar Chromophores: Synthesis, Fluorescent and Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Properties Akdas-Killig H., Roisnel T., Ledoux-Rak I., Le Bozec H., New Journal of Chemistry 33, 1470-1473 (2009)
- Electrochemical, Linear Optical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties and Interpretation by Density Functional Theory Calculations of (4-N,N-Dimethylaminostyryl)-Pyridinium Pendant Group Associated with Polypyridinic Ligands and Respective Multifunctional.... F. Dumur, C.R. Mayer, K. Hoang-Thi, I. Ledoux-Rak, F. Miomandre, G. Clavier, E. Dumas, R. Meallet-Renault, M. Frigoli, J. Zyss and F. Sécheresse, Inorg. Chem. 48, 8120-8133 (2009)
- Infrared and visible emission of Er3+ in combustion-synthesized CaAl2O4 phosphors Singh Vijay, Chalcradhar R.P.S, Ledoux-Rak Isabelle, Badie Laurent, Pelle Fabienne, Ivanova Svetlana, J. Luminescence 129, 1375-1380 (2009)
- NIR to visible up-conversion, infrared luminescence, thermoluminescence and defect centres in Y2O3 : Er phosphor Vijay Singh, Vineet Kumar Rai, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, S Watanabe, T K Gundu Rao, J F D Chubaci, Laurent Badie, Fabienne Pelle and Svetlana Ivanova, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 065104 (2009)
- Visible up-conversion and NIR luminescence studies of LiAl5O8:Er phosphor co-doped with Yb3+ and Zn2+ V. Singh, V. K. Rai, I. Ledoux-Rak and H.-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 97, 103-107 (2009)
- Visible upconversion and infrared luminescence investigations of Al2O3 powders doped with Er3+, Yb3+ and Zn3+ ions V. Singh, V. K. Rai, I. Ledoux-Rak, L. Badie and H.-Y. Kwak, Appl. Phys. B - Lasers and Opt. 97, 805-809 (2009)
- Efficient Photoswitching of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dipolar Photochromic Zinc(II) Complexes, Vincent Aubert, Véronique Guerchais, Eléna Ishow, Khuyen Hoang-Thi, Isabelle Ledoux, Keitaro Nakatani, and Hubert Le Bozec, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47, pp. 577-580 (2008).
- Fluorescence and solvatochromism of a merocyanine dye with a high quadratic polarizability in solutions and polymer films, S.L. Bondarev, S.A. Tikhomirov, V.N. Knyukshto, A.A. Turban, A.A. Ischenko, A.V. Kulinich and I. Ledoux, J. Lumin., 124, no 1, pp. 178-186 (2007).
- Gain properties of a Er3+ complex in a poly(methylmethacrylate) matrix for 1540 nm broadband optical amplification, Le Quang Anh Quoc, V G.Truong, A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 023110 (2007).
- Nonlinear Optical and Two-Photon Absorption Properties of Octupolar Tris(bipyridyl)metal Complexes, C. Feuvrie, O. Maury, H. Le Bozec, I. Ledoux, J. Morrall, G. Dalton, M. Samoc, M. Humphrey, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111 (37), pp. 8980 -8985, (2007).
- Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl organoiron(II) hydrazone complexes: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and second-order nonlinear optical properties. X-ray crystal structure of [?5-C5Me5)Fe(?6-C6H5)NHNH2]+PF6-, Mauricio Fuentealba, Loïc Toupet, Carolina Manzur, David Carrillo, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Jean-René Hamon, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 692, pp. 1099–1109 (2007).
- Polymer-based materials for amplification in the telecommunication window: influence of erbium complex concentration on relevant parameters for the elaboration of waveguide amplifiers around 1550 nm, Anh Quoc Le Quang, Eric Besson, Rolland Hierle, Ahmad Mehdi, Catherine Reyé, Robert Corriu, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Optical Materials, 29, pp. 941–948 (2007).
- Preparation and characterisation of perovskite type thin-films, Parashkov R., Bréhier A., Georgiev A., Bouchoule S., Lafosse X., Lauret J.-S., Nguyen C. T., Leroux M. and Deleporte E., Advanced Materials: Research Trends, ed L.A. Basbanes (New York: Nova Science Publishers) chapter 4, pp 119–37 (2007)
- Air-stable PbSe/PbS and PbSe/PbSexS1-x core-shell nanocrystals quantum dots and their applications, E. Lifshitz, M. Brumer, A. Kigel, M. Sirota, E. Galun, Z. Burshtein, A. Q. Le Quang, I. Ledoux-Rak, J. Zyss,J. Physical Chemistry:B. 110(50), 25356 (2006).
- Dipolar Organo-Iron Methylenepyran-Hydrazone Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure, Linear and nonlinear optical properties, Lorena Millán, Mauricio Fuentealba, Carolina Manzur, David Carrillo,Nadège Faux, Bertrand Caro, Françoise Robin-Le Guen, Sourisak Sinbandhit, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak and Jean-René Hamon,Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., pp. 1131–1138 (2006).
- Donor-Acceptor-Donor Tetrazines Containing a Ferrocene Unit : Synthesis, Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Properties, I. Janowska, F. Miomandre, G. Clavier, P. Audebert, J. Zakrzewski, K.H. Thi and I. Ledoux-Rak,J. Phys. Chem. A, 110(47), pp. 12971-12975 (2006).
- Perovskite organic semiconductor: a way to hybrid microcavities, A.Bréhier, R. Parashkov, J.-S. Lauret, C. T. Nguyen, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule, X. Lafosse, M. Leroux, Proceeding of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, Austria, pp. 353-354, July 2006, DOI:10.1063/1.2729912.
- Preparation and characterisation of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite type thin-films, R. Parashkov, A. Brehier, J.S. Lauret, C.T. Nguyen and E. Deleporte, Proceedings of ICOE05 (International conference on organic electronics), Eindhoven, Pays Bas ; 20-22 June 2006.
- Second harmonic generation from individual hybrid MnPS3-based nanoparticles investigated by nonlinear microscopy, E. Delahaye, N. Tancrez, T. Yi, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss, S. Brasselet, R. Clément,Chem. Phys. Lett. 429, pp. 533-537 (2006).
- Synthesis, structural studies, theoretical calculations, and linear and nonlinear optical properties of terpyridyl lanthanide complexes: New evidence for the contribution of f electrons to the NLO activity, Katell Sénéchal-David, Anne Hemeryck, Nicolas Tancrez, Loïc Toupet, J. A. Gareth Williams, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss, Abdou Boucekkine, Jean-Paul Guégan, Hubert Le Bozec, and Olivier Maury,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 12243-12255 (2006).
- Third harmonic generation measurements on organic semiconductor films, A.Bréhier, R. Parashkov, D. Josse, C. T. Nguyen, I. Ledoux, E. Deleporte, J.-S. Lauret, J. Wenus, D.G. Lidzey, Proceeding of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, Austria, pp.369-370, July 2006, DOI:10.1063/1.2729920.
- A facile organolithium route to ferrocene-based triarylmethyl dyes with substantial near IR and NLO properties, C. Arbez-Gindre, B.R. Steele, G.A. Heropoulos, C.G. Screttas, J.-E. Communal, W.J. Blau and I.Ledoux-Rak,J. Organomet. Chem., 690, 1620-1626 (2005).
- An hybrid organic-inorganic approach to erbium-functionalized nanodots for emission in the telecom window, A.Q. Le Quang, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, V.G. Truong A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, D.H. Le, A. Gibaud,Chemical Physics 318, 33 (2005).
- J-Aggregated Dye – MnPS3 Hybrid Nano-Particles With Giant Quadratic Optical Non-Linearity, Tao Yi, Rene Clément, Christian Haut, Laure Catala, Thierry Gacoin, Nicolas Tancrez, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss,Adv. Materials, 17(3), 335 (2005).
- Lanthanide Complexes for Second Order Nonlinear Optics: Evidence for the Direct Contribution of f Electrons to the Quadratic Hyperpolarizability, Nicolas Tancrez, Christophe Feuvrie, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss, Loïc Toupet, Hubert Le Bozec, and Olivier Maury,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127(39), pp. 13474-13475 (2005).
- Self-ordered dendrimers based on multi-octupolar ruthenium complexes for quadratic nonlinear optics, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, T. Le Bouder, O. Maury, A. Bondon, H. Le Bozec,J. Luminescence, 111, pp.215-387 (2005).
- Structural Modulation of the Dipolar-Octupolar Contributions to the NLO Response in Subphthalocyanines, Christian G. Claessens, David Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Tomas Torres, Guillermo Martin, Fernando Agullo-Lopez, Isabelle Ledoux, Joseph Zyss,Victor R. Ferro, and Jose M. Garcia de la Vega,J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, pp. 3800-3806 (2005).
- Supramolecular associations of anionic and cationic octupoles, C. Feuvrie, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss, H. Le Bozec, O. Maury,Compte Rendus de Chimie, 8, pp. 1243-1248 (2005).
- Synthesis, Characterisation and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Octupolar Systems Based on Phthalocyanine Compounds, Maurizio Quintiliani, Eva M. García-Frutos, Andreas Gouloumis, Purificación Vázquez, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, Christian G. Claessens, Tomás Torres,Eur. J. Org. Chem., 18, 3911-3915 (2005).
- [2,2]paracyclophane-bisphthalocyanines: non-classical push-pull systems for second harmonic generation, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines Andrés de la Escosura, Christian G. Claessens, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, M. Victoria Martínez-Díaz and Tomás Torres,JPP, 9, n° 11, 788 (2005).