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Publications - Components and technologies for the photonic
- Dynamics of all-optical poling of photoisomerizable molecules. II: Comparison of different angular redistribution models. Theoretical and experimental study of three-dimensional pumping Michel Dumont, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 1855-1865 (2011)
- Fabrication of ellipticity-controlled microlens arrays by controlling parameters of double-exposure two-beam interference technique Danh Bich Do, Ngoc Diep Lai, Cheng Yi Wu, Jian Hung Lin, Chia Chen Hsu, Appl. Opt. 50, 579-585 (2011)
- Fabrication of three-dimensional polymer quadratic nonlinear grating structures by layer-by-layer direct laser writing technique Danh Bich Do, Jian Hung Lin, Ngoc Diep Lai, Hung-Chih Kan, Chia Chen Hsu, Appl. Opt. 50, 4664-4670 (2011)
- Fabrication of two- and three-dimensional photonic crystals and photonic quasi-crystals by interference technique Ngoc Diep Lai, Jian Hung Lin, Danh Bich Do, Wen Ping Liang, Yu Di Huang, T. S. Zheng, Yi Ya Huang, Chia Chen Hsu, INTECH book chapter, p.253-278 (2011)
- Instrumentation system for determination and compensation of electro-optic modulator transfer function drift Dang Thanh Bui, Chi Thanh Nguyen, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak, Joseph Zyss, and Bernard Journet, Meas. Sci. Technol., 22, 125105 (2011)
- Fabrication of desired three-dimensional structures by holographic assembly technique Ngoc Diep Lai, Danh Bich Do, Jian Hung Lin, Chia Chen Hsu, Appl. Phys. A 100, 171-175 (2010)
- High-performance electro-optic modulators realized with a commercial side-chain DR1-PMMA electro-optic copolymer S. Michel, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux-Rak, C. T. Nguyen, Invited Paper, Opto 2010, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XII, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7559, 759901-1-14 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2006) 611712, 2010
- Dynamics of all-optical poling of photoisomerizable molecules. I: Symmetries of tensorial properties Michel Dumont, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, 1057-1075 (2009)
- Fabrication of microlens arrays based on the mass transport effect of SU-8 photoresist using a multiexposure two-beam interference technique Cheng Yi Wu, Ting Hsuan Chiang, Ngoc Diep Lai, Danh Bich Do, and Chia Chen Hsu Applied Optics 48, 2473-2479 (2009)
- Fabrication of periodic nanovein structures by holography lithography technique Ngoc Diep Lai, Yu Di Huang, Danh Bich Do, Jian Hung Lin, Chia Chen Hsu, Opt. Express 17, 3362-3369 (2009)
- Fabrication of spatial modulated second order nonlinear structures and quasi-phase matched second harmonic generation in a poled azocopolymer planar waveguide Jian Hung Lin, Ngoc Diep Lai, Chiu Han Chiu, C. Y. Lin, G. W. Rieger, J. F. Young, F. S. S. Chien, C. C. Hsu, Opt. Express 16, 7832-7841 (2008)
- Another way to shape comprehensive analytical approach describing electromagnetic energy distribution through four-slab-layer structures B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, A. Renault, J. Zyss, F. Artzner,Opt. Int. J. Light Electron. Opt., 2008.
- Marcatili’s extended approach: comparison to semi-vectorial methods applied to pedestal waveguide design, T. Begou, B. Bèche, N Grossard, J Zyss, A Goullet, G Jezequel, E.Gaviot,J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 10 055310 (2008).
- Spin coating and plasma process for 2.5 D integrated photonics on multilayer polymers, A. Zebda, L. Camberlein, B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, E. Bêche, D. Duval, J. Zyss, G. Jézéquel, F. Solal, C. Godet,Thin Solid Films, vol. 516, pp.8668-8674 (2008).
- A novel microfluidic flow-injection analysis device with fluorescence detection for cation sensing. Application to potassium, E. Destandau, J.-P. Lefèvre, A. C. F. Eddine, S. Desportes, M. C. Jullien, R. Hierle, I. Leray, B. Valeur, J. A. Delaire,Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 387, 2627-2632, (2007).
- First developments for photonics integrated on plasma-polymer-HMDSO: Single-mode TE00–TM00 straight waveguides, T. Begou, B. Bèche, A. Goullet, J.P. Landesman, A. Granier, C. Cardinaud, E. Gaviot, L. Camberlein, N. Grossard, G. Jézéquel, J. Zyss,Optical Materials, 30, 657–661 (2007).
- Gain properties of a Er3+ complex in a poly(methylmethacrylate) matrix for 1540 nm broadband optical amplification, Le Quang Anh Quoc, V G.Truong, A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux,Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 023110 (2007).
- Polymer-based materials for amplification in the telecommunication window: influence of erbium complex concentration on relevant parameters for the elaboration of waveguide amplifiers around 1550 nm, Anh Quoc Le Quang, Eric Besson, Rolland Hierle, Ahmad Mehdi, Catherine Reyé, Robert Corriu, Isabelle Ledoux-Rak,Optical Materials 29, 941–948 (2007).
- SU-8 waveguiding interferometric micro-sensor for gage pressure measurement , N. Pelletier, B. Bêche, N. Tahani, J. Zyss, L Camberlein and E. Gaviot,Sensors Actuators A 135 179–184 (2007).
- Conception of Optical Integrated Circuits on Polymers, B. Bêche, N. Pelletier, R. Hierle, A. Goullet, J.P. Landesman, E. Gaviot, J. Zyss,Microelectronics Journal, 2006, vol. 37, pp. 421-427.
- Demonstration of net gain at 1550 nm in an erbium-doped polymer single mode rib waveguide A.Q Le Quang, R. Hierle, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, G. Cusmai, R. Costa, A. Barberis, S. Pietralunga,Applied Physics Letters. 89, 141124 (2006).
- Design of a new photomixer based on electro-optic polymer, F. Duport, C. T. Nguyen, R. Hierle, B. Journet, P. Labbé, J. Zyss,Proceeding of the MWP'06 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Grenoble, France, 3-6 October 2006, DOI:10.1109/MWP.2006.346539.
- Light modulation with electro-optic polymer-based resonant grating waveguide structures T. Katchalski, G. Levy-Yurista, A. Friesem, G. Martin, R. Hierle, and J. Zyss,Opt. Express 13 (12), 4645-4650 (2006).
- Single-mode rib optical waveguides on SOG/SU-8 polymer and integrated Mach-Zehnder for designing thermal sensors, N. Pelletier, B. Bêche, E. Gaviot, L. Camberlein, N. Grossard, F. Polet, J. Zyss,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2006, vol. 6, n°3, pp. 565-570.
- Stabilization of the bias point of an electro-optic modulator based on polymer material, C. T. Nguyen, A. Clouquer, R. Hierle, B. Journet, P. Labbé, J. Zyss,Opto 2006, Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices VIII, Proceeding of SPIE, Vol. 6117-47, San Jose, 21-26 Jan. 2006.
- An hybrid organic-inorganic approach to erbium-functionalized nanodots for emission in the telecom window, A.Q. Le Quang, J. Zyss, I. Ledoux, V.G. Truong A-M. Jurdyc, B. Jacquier, D.H. Le, A. Gibaud, Chemical Physics 318, 33 (2005).
- Electrooptic Probe Based on an Organic Microcavity, G. Gaborit, G. Martin, L. Duvillaret, J-L. Coutaz, C. T. Nguyen, R. Hierle and J. Zyss,IEEE Phot. Technol. Lett., 17 (10), 2140-2142, (2005).
- Fluorine plasma treatment on SU-8 polymer for integrated optics, B. Bêche, P. Papet, D. Debarnot, E. Gaviot, J. Zyss, F. Poncin-Epaillard,Opt. Commun., vol 246/1-3 pp. 25- 28 (2005).
- Integrated Mach- Zehnder interferometer on SU-8 polymer for versatile pressure sensor, N. Pelletier, B. Bêche, N. Tahani, L. Camberlein, E. Gaviot, A. Goullet, J.P. Landesman, J. Zyss,IEEE Sensors 2005, vol. 4, pp. 640-643.
- Orientation of Azo-Dye molecules in polymer films, via photoisomerization: Dichroism measurements and second harmonic generation Ngan Nguyen Thi Kim, M. Dumont , J. A. Delaire, K. Nakataki, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 430, 249-256 (2005)
- Advances in polymer based photonics technology: microlasers, electrooptic devices, new concepts, Nguyen, C.T. Hierle, R. Brasselet, S. Wright, D. Zyss, J., 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, vol. 2, pp 1417-1420, Corse 4-7 May 2004.
- Molecular Structure of Azopolymers and Photoinduced 3D orientational ordre 1. Azobenzene Polyesters O. Yaroshchuk, M. Dumont, Y. Zakrevskyy, T. Bidna and J. Lindau, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 4647-4658 (2004).
- New electro-optic modulator based on polymer waveguide and loop structure, C.T. Nguyen, R. Hierle, B.A. Journet, P. Labbé, J. Zyss, Opto 2004, Integrated Optoelectronics Devices, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices VI, Proceeding of SPIE, Vol. 5351-51, pp. 237-242, San Jose, California, 24-29 January, 2004.
- Photoinduced 3D orientational order in liquid crystalline azopolymers, studied by the method of attenuated total reflection O. Yaroshchuk, T. Bidna, M. Dumont and J. Lindau, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 409, 229-241 (2004)
- Forward degenerate four-wave mixing spectra of NO in the strong field limit, including polarization, line coupling and multipole effects. I. Theory V. Kruger, M. Dumont, S. Le Boiteux, Y. J. Picart, F. Chaussard, and B. Attal-Tretout, Physical Review A 64, 012716 (2001)
- Forward degenerate four-wave mixing spectra of NO in the strong field limit, including polarization, line coupling and multipole effects. II. Experiments V. Kruger, M. Dumont, S. Le Boiteux, Y. J. Picart, F. Chaussard, and B. Attal-Tretout, Physical Review A 64, 012717 (2001)
- New developments in optical ordering of NLO Dyes inPolymers M. Dumont, in "Linear and non-linear optics of organic materials", SPIE proceedings, Vol. 4461, 179-163 (2001)