Accueil > Publications > Nanophotonique quantique
Recherche - Valorisation
L. Rondin, J.-P. Tetienne, P. Spinicelli, C. Dal Savio, K. Karrai, G. Dantelle, A. Thiaville, S. Rohart, J.-F. Roch, V. Jacques, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 153118 (2012)
The ability to map magnetic field distributions with high sensitivity and nanoscale resolution is of crucial importance for fundamental studies ranging from material science to biology, as well as for the development of new applications in spintronics and quantum technology. Recently, it was shown that the optical detection of the electron spin resonance (ESR) associated with a single Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defect in diamond provides an unprecedented combination of magnetic sensitivity and spatial resolution under ambient conditions. Here we demonstrate quantitative magnetic field mapping with nanoscale resolution, by applying a lock-in technique on the ESR frequency of a single NV defect placed at the apex of an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever. To illustrate the efficiency of the technique, we image a commercial magnetic hard disk and observe good agreement with the simulated magnetic field distributions. In addition, we demonstrate a novel all-optical magnetic imaging technique which is sensitive to large magnetic fields lying in a range usually considered as non accessible to diamond-based magnetometry. It relies on magnetic-field-dependent photoluminescence (PL) of the NV defect magnetic probe, induced by spin level mixing. This method allows us to directly resolve the nanoscale magnetic bit structure of the hard disk. Owing to the non-perturbing nature of the magnetic probe, this work should open up numerous perspectives in nanomagnetism and spintronics.