Accueil > Publications > Nano-hybrides
Recherche - Valorisation
G. Lanty, J.S. Lauret, E. Deleporte, S. Bouchoule and X. Lafosse, Superlattices and Microstructures 47, 10 (2010)
We have realized several one-dimensional (1D) microcavities, containing self-assembled perovskite layers, emitting in the ultraviolet (UV) range (around 3.5 eV), working in the strong-coupling regime at room temperature. Procedures to increase the quality factor of the microcavities have been explored. Two different technologies have to be combined: the soft technologies related to the organic materials and polymers and the technologies which are more specific to inorganic materials, such as electron-beam evaporation and sputtering, used in particular to deposit dielectric mirrors.